How Students enjoy in Germany to travel and freedom of movement?

How Students enjoy in Germany to travel and freedom of movement?

Despite the lack of financial resources among students, but they love to travel and mobility, driven so necessary sometimes, curiosity often.What drives young Germans and foreigners living in Germany to navigate the length of the country and displayed?

Student life provides freedom and scurrying away from restrictions
Associated exit from stage school to undergraduate in the minds of students, freedom, and is considered the Germans to freedom of movement is indispensable in this era of age, for the student Elena, longer travel opportunity to get to know new people and new cultures, as seen Nicklas said the study in several different cities within Germany and abroad is very useful because it gives the opportunity to share their experiences with students of different nationalities and countries and cultures. In 2010, statistics indicated that about 31 thousand students traveled German projects in the framework of student exchange.
Not only do students Germans, many Arab students brought to Germany to learn a new specialty or to complete their studies and utilize the expertise of German. Aziz, who studied in Morocco, he decided to study again in Germany, and pushed him to the foremost love the experience and the spirit of adventure. Fziz also wanted to see a way to live in another country, of course, he sees that the difference between studying in Germany and in the Arab countries, "very large", and the most important thing is brought to his attention that "all eligible conditions in Germany and the granularity of students in the study."
The need for collective housing for students, but ..

Accommodation collective opportunity for long but it needs to adapt
In Germany in particular, is moving from one city to another is only natural for many of the students, universities are distributed along the country's view, and each university disciplines different from the other, forcing the faith, the Syrian-born in Germany, to leave her family's house and looking for a residence hall to move to study in the city, about two hours from the dwelling people, It was not easy for her at first, because that living with strangers one is forced to make concessions, they are Troy, saying: "One has to acclimate to life with another person, has lived with a student other Arab Also, were not you turn in cleaning as it was, for example, hate the smell of cooking, especially in the evening, which means that I sometimes had to postpone the project for the next day eating. "
Find a faith that housing with others restricts one, but it is indispensable for students who move to live in another city, because it is cheaper. The Egyptian young Mai, after that they lived in a house for students, and suffered from those same difficulties, moved to live alone. But they also suggest that shared housing has great utility, allows the identification of where students from all countries which helps the person to open up to other cultures and civilizations. Mi agree with the student Tiana, which shows that university housing allowed her to identify the "great people", eased the feeling of alienation has. Tiana and adds: "We live here in an atmosphere of intimacy and peace, tolerance and mutual respect in spite of the multiplicity of cultures. If all the world like this place for a changed life."
Bike and means of movement favorite among students Germans.

Trains in Germany, comfort and fun
Does not require it only navigate from one city to another, but the students also enjoy the flexibility and speed of movement even within the university city itself, Distances between the buildings of the University sometimes be very large, so the resort many German students to bike, which is a means of transportation granulocytes have . This is strange for many of the students coming from major cities such as Peter coming from Sydney, who says: "It is not easy to move the bike in Australia, because the cities are huge and the distances great and there are no spaces reserved for bicycles, as is the case in Germany. Thus cycling there is very dangerous. surprised me was the number of bicycles on the streets of German when I arrived here. " And compatibility opinion Mai coming from Cairo, which indicates that it can not only move there by bus or subway or private cars.Opinion does not differ much from Mi Miranda opinion coming from Missouri, and you see that what distinguishes Germany is the existence of multiple means of transportation.
But the presence of MI in Germany encouraged her to learn cycling and is now favorite sport to have as a "means of transportation useful and efficient," she said, which suggests that it was difficult at first, because they are accustomed to the dangerous streets in Cairo, but they are accustomed and become enjoy those beautiful sport as they feel more independence and accomplishment as they move "their efficiency without personal drive."
Multiple means of transportation and facilities for students.

Roads in Germany eligible for bicycles, unlike many cities in the world
Despite the advent of student biomedical engineering Aziz of Marrakech famous bike, but he does not like the sport and preferably move to other means, and he says in this context: "The means of transportation in Germany enjoyable, whether the train or subway or buses, as well as walk amid beautiful nature, especially in the city Bonn is a fun thing. " Aziz also indicates that there are tickets discounted travel for students, encouraging them to move more. Which is approved by the faith, which suggests that being born in Germany make them consider each of those facilities available to students in Germany for granted, but her talk with students coming from abroad makes it estimated these possibilities.
And comparing the young Syrian origin, it holidays summer you spend in Syria, saying: "Certainly travel in Syria, where the hardship, I am of Homs and travel to Damascus, which lies only two hours in which great hardship, unlike the case of Germany where the trains comfortable that allow to spend even long trips without feeling tired. "
In addition to the traditional methods of travel, there is a travel joint venture with one of the owners of cars, where a person can search for offers from people traveling to the point of what the ride with them versus the amount of material is simple, which is what was done by Mai several times, which considers itself a bold so were not afraid that way, as she did not hear any negative stories of her friends in this regard. The faith they did not try this method only once, and opted out of the car all the girls, but they do not feel comfortable with that idea. Australian Peter sees in this way is an excellent opportunity for hiking in all parts of the country at a price cheaper than trains.The opinion agrees Aziz, who was resorted to this means most of the time, especially before receiving a student card that will make it obtains tickets at a discounted price.
Despite the lack of income students in most of the time, but travel remains especially fun and important as Miranda explains, saying: "No one is asking only once in life, and this period is the most appropriate opportunity to travel and learn about other countries."
Samar Karam
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