Travel in ASIA: 15 countries to see at least once in your life

Travel in ASIA: 15 countries to see at least once in your life

From the Maldives to Sri Lanka, Japan, China, Nepal up to 15 Asian countries to be discovered!

Asia is a continent fascinating, mysterious and intriguing. Different populations that live among them, incredible cultures, history, unique traditions and religion: this continues to intrigue travelers from all over the world. For those who dream of going to the discovery of the East, a parallel universe, but so different from our own, here's a list of the 15 countries in Asia to see at least once in their lifetime.From the Maldives to Sri Lanka, from Lebanon to Japan, to China.


Take a look at cheap flights to your favorite destinations and pack your bags ... one of these magnificent paradise awaits you.

Consisting of over 17 thousand islands lying between 2 and oceans in an archipelago of 150 volcanoes , Indonesia is the transcontinental state (Asia and Oceania) plus Muslim world. The islands most populated and popular, Java, Bali and Lombok , they are a portrait of the beauty of Mother Nature, with spectacular beaches and a heady immersion in mysterious stories, including Buddhist temples and archaeological ruins of ancestral cultures . A trip to a country where different religions coexist due to the link with the ancestors, and where there is still an innate sense of curiosity towards visitors. Expect therefore a " Dari mana? "  (Where are you from?) and " Mau Kemana? " (Where are you going?) whenever you are on the road!

Nestled in warm, clear waters and surrounded by pristine beaches , the Sri Lanka is called the tear of the 'Indian Ocean , due to its particular shape to drop. Quest 'tropical island, with its jungle impenetrable and its tea plantations , houses an extraordinary biodiversity: elephants, leopards, lions, monkeys, crocodiles, cobras and moltro more ... Losing its exotic charm, can be seen in 'hinterland the prehistoric rock of Sigiriya, which rises like a sacred totem, and is considered by many the ' eighth wonder of the world . And then again, temples to explore and Ayurvedic medicine to experience, walking through batik factories and Buddhist shrines . Warning: if you do not like spice , you will not a few difficulties in consuming even a single meal in the realm of curry and cinnamon! But this is also the good of the trip, try something new!

Autumn on Xiangshan scented hills , and spring on Lake Hangzhou , or the canals of Suzhou , are the best times to admire the beauty and greatness of this country. A hike on the Great Wall of China is a must (but do not believe it to be visible from the moon). Whether Badaling for the lazy, or Simatai for adventurers, it is important to remember the words of Mao Tse-Tung: "He who has not climbed the Great Wall is not a true man." From Beijing , spending a night in the train rigorously in the bunk, you can get to XI'AN where there is waiting for an entire terracotta army consists of about 7000 elements in size and built much more than 2,000 years ago ! For food lovers, do not miss a taste of Mao's favorite dish, the ' Hong Shao Rou , the red pork stew.

Beloved by the explorers across the world, India is still the favorite destination for the search for spirituality and a new way of understanding life . From the deafening chaos of Delhi and Mumbai , with a decadent charm and emblem of the unbridgeable gap between luxury and poverty, the journey can take on different connotations in India reaching the golden coastline of Goa , the sacredness of Madurai and the desert, and the iconic Agra , with the world famous mausoleum Taj Mahal. Again the beautiful Varanasi in the north, where attend the prayer baths in the Ganges , under the lights of dawn. An infinite cosmos of flavors and fragrances, a multitude of colors, stunning landscapes as far as the eye, peoples and migrants ... tens of thousands of vehicles that sound the horn insistently, surpassing even the 90 decibels! Welcome to India!

Magic archipelago with the highest life expectancy worldwide, the land of the Rising Sun has had many dramatic moments in history which has always been able to recover and flourish, like its beautiful cherry trees in spring . extraordinary cuisine and healthy place recently by ' among the UNESCO World Heritage Site(not just sushi, but tempura, ramen, sashimi ...) and also a way of life completely different from our own, Japan is a land to be discovered in all its facets. Among the natural beauty there is the Mount Fuji , the charmingKyoto , with its temples and pagodas, castles scattered 'everywhere and the village of Shirakawa Go , which has retained its traditional style, with the roofs of houses made of straw. For those who love technology and comics is the district of Akihabara in Tokyo. A trip really for everyone!

l ' Holi Festival in March is the time when the Nepal expresses itself at the highest level: the charming, colorful, evocative. In one word: amazing. A sort of carnival in which Hindu powders of all colors paint the town a unique joy to the world. sari with beautiful women and men with traditional headdress Fetz enchant the tourists visiting. Nepal is the ideal place for those who want to experience the Far East so soft, coming into contact with a culture that is open and sociable. The towns that stretch along the Bagmati River and in thevalley of Kathmandu are all worth visiting. The c APITAL Kathmandu , and the towns of Bhaktapur andPatan have a common denominator: the central squares of each of these all are called " Durban Square "and are more beautiful than the other. Just outside the city, do not miss a visit to Swayambhunath temple , the famous temple of the Apes . Why is it called so? Try to guess.

An amazing holiday in the South China Sea will allow you to discover this young country where you can taste all the street food imaginable, including parks and nature reserves lying between hills and mountains (only 20% of the country is flat). Vietnamese food is now considered fashionable in most of the capitals of the world, and here you can enjoy well over 500 traditional dishes . Vietnam is a land steeped in charm , with a violent recent past, but with a great optimism for the future. Tell us a little thought!

Formerly known as the Pirate Coast , today the UAE stand for luxury, modernity and elegance . The city ofAbu Dhabi and Dubai are an example: fun, charm and sophistication mingle among the dazzling skyscrapers and souks antique flavor . In the big hotels in these cities, water with on-board computer and 4 poster beds are the norm! But the Emirates have not only this: beaches and mountains, desert and camel racing, Bedouin and coral reef . A must for fans of at least one ' diving to discover the magic Idiano Ocean. Do not forget a ride on the east coast: endless and beautiful.

Singapore is a country with a diverse population made ​​up of migrants and composed mainly of Chinese, Indians and Malays. But it is also a metropolis, vibrant and pulsating . Place of business and financial brokerage, is the place where you can discover the scents and flavors mixed. Chinatown and Little India with its temples are the emblem, with the delights of street food. There are many outdoor activities in the botanical garden of Marina Bay to MacRitchie , where you can see monkeys and enjoy a fabulous tropical scenery on a suspension bridge. But be careful: do not eat in the subway, not fumaye (even outdoors), do not give food to the animals, not to pee in the street, do not cross the street without stripes, do not pass a trolley on escalators, and avoid drugs (well, the ones even if you are in Italy) if you do not want to incur the death penalty. Oh, remember to always pull the drain: penalty, a fine of $ 150!

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The smaller countries of Western Asia , also known as the " land of the cedars , "has for years been ravaged by civil war, and suffer the hardest blows, its capital, Beirut . Formerly known as the Paris of the Middle East , today trying to get to his feet, welcoming the tourists with a unique cultural vitality: theaters, universities, museums, festivals coated in the 12 months of the year, businessmen from all over the world and young people on the street at all hours to give the impression of this city never sleeps. Beautiful and already rebuilt the old town with its Christian neighborhoods and its Muslim mosques; missed a binge of Lebanese dishes (tabbooleh, hommus, falafel) , but above all a drink of Lebanese wine : certainly among the best wines in the Middle East. A dive into history and the beautiful future of a country that has never been so lively!


Whether you are religious or not it may be, the appeal of Israel is unique in the world. Here are rooted the 3 major monotheistic religions : Christianity, Judaism and Islam, and here are some of the most important places of worship in the world. Come from Italy with a flight to Tel Aviv is quite simple. The incredible vitality and artistic nightlife of Tel Aviv you can move in other cities, given the small size of the country (it's smaller than Switzerland). And then, all on the bus, or try the experience of taxis, the famous sherut. Once in Jerusalem, missed a visit to the Wailing Wall and a romantic sunset stroll on the Haas Promenade . For lovers of the sea, the coast of Israel, bordering the Mediterranean Sea, are beautiful and fully equipped. A journey that will quench the thirst for discovery of many different souls.

It is here that we find one of the 7 wonders of the modern world: Petra , the jewel of Jordan . An archaeological site visited by tourists from all over the world, already declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it is impossible not to be spellbound. But Jordan is also something else: Amman , the modern and cosmopolitan capital that has been able to combine tradition and progress, and the Rift Valley to the Dead Sea . With its 400m below sea level (which continue to fall) is, in practice, the lower depression of the planet.A dip in its salty waters with high density will make you experience the thrill of floating effortlessly, making it impossible for the swimming, diving and, more importantly, the drowning. If you are afraid of high water, here you can defeat it.

If you look for a piece of paradise, you will find between these islands crystal. turquoise waters and fine white sand, and fine cuisine is famous all over the world: these are the main features of one of the most popular destinations in the world. Apart from the vibrant nightlife of Bangkok and Phuket , this is where you can see the most pristine corners of the whole of Asia , to Phi Phi Island , the marine natural park where it was shot on film The Beach with Leonardo Di Caprio or to the waters of the Andaman Sea , accompanied by its numerous islands. And if you decide to come here with the airline Thai Airways, you will be sprinkled with orchids even before you get off the plane!

This very ancient and amazing pearl of Southeast Asia, is one of the favorite destinations for scouts all over the world. Famous for its wat (sacred buildings), the magical temples of Angkor , and the rich cultural tradition of Khmer, the Cambodian boasts breathtaking beauty of natural scenery: jungle, waterfalls, rivers, where you can find the remains of a turbulent past between the fishing villages the southern coast, the access point to the Ream National Park . If you come during the rainy season, for refreshments, you can always test the local gourmet offer, among which stand out steaming soup of Buffalo Cobra with whiskey and rice, fried tarantulas, mice or grilled, regarded in these parts true delights! Well, you can also refuse ... but when ever you recapitalization!


Let's face it, who has not dreamed of a trip to the Maldives? Yet, choose from the 1190 islands of the archipelago which is the most beautiful thing is difficult. We recommend you immergervii in the heart of 'Indian Ocean , from a variety of over 1000 fish and shellfish , to appreciate the beauty of this country. The fragmentation of the territory you can always find different routes, not only to visit the atolls and sandbanks on which to slather , but also adventure, hiking and scuba diving . Warning: stay on the beach topless is not allowed, do not even nudism (fine of $ 1000). It is prohibited to bring into the country any kind of drug, alcohol, pornography and pork. But eating and drinking from a coconut just fell from a palm tree will reward you for every other deprivation.

Have you ever been in one of these countries? Leave a comment below and share your photos.
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